Monday, October 17, 2011

Change the World

I want a national holiday to honor those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world. Because they are the ones that end up doing it.

My viewers have picked “Change the World Day” as the name. And it is fitting.

New Poll:

The Federal Reserve has announced that they will be monitoring Social Media: Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and so forth to see peoples reactions to their policies. I guess they don't feel people have been letting them know their feelings about the Fed's policies:

Maybe this picture will help:

The real reason they are monitoring Social Media is to find the most vocal protesters and find ways to shut them up. Know the fed will be monitoring you, will you:

Stop using Social Media

Not give a damn

Be more aggressive

Vote on the top left corner of the page.

By Darrell B. Nelson author of I KILLED THE MAN THAT WASN'T THERE

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