Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Writing Wednesday: The Proof is in the email

This morning I checked my email and I had the proof copy of "Invasive Thoughts" waiting for me to check for errors.
It looks fantastic. In word the book was 514 pages, I was worried as I wouldn't even pick up a book that long. I've skipped most of Stephen King's stuff for that reason. But the proof is 384 pages, about normal for a book I read.
It looks great all formatted for publication.
Now, I've got to look it all over and find any errors.
It's a great day.


Stephanie Barr said...

Yippee! Yay for you!

Cher Duncombe said...

Wow! That is wonderful. I would be dancing on the rooftop. Enjoy this time. You worked hard for it.

Darrell B. Nelson said...

I'm happier over the fact that with the proof copy I couldn't make changes other than format, so this was the first time I could actually read my book. I've read it a dozen times before but always looking mistakes and having to stop to rewrite an awkward phrase, skipping to the end to make sure I handled the plot tread right, ect. Knowing I couldn't make changes to the actual words let me read it more objectively than I have before. As objectively as I can be it's a book I would read and enjoy and it's something I can be really proud of.