Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eh aide four human beans who aught two no Homonyms, n half heired since berth.

Readers of my posts are probably aware of my problem with Homonyms (actually homophones), words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

Such as this lovely poem:

An Ode to the Spelling Chequer
Prays the Lord for the spelling chequer
That came with our pea sea!
Mecca mistake and it puts you rite
Its so easy to ewes, you sea.

I never used to no, was it e before eye?
(Four sometimes its eye before e.)
But now I've discovered the quay to success
It's as simple as won, too, free!

Sew watt if you lose a letter or two,
The whirled won't come two an end!
Can't you sea? It's as plane as the knows on yore face
S. Chequer's my very best friend

I've always had trubble with letters that double
"Is it one or to S's?" I'd wine
But now, as I've tolled you this chequer is grate
And its hi thyme you got won, like mine.

—Janet E. Byford
But here is a website that has a fairly long list of them. To help people like me.
Alan Cooper’s All About Homonyms.

That’s also the site I got that poem from.

By Darrell B. Nelson author of Invasive Thoughts

1 comment:

Stephanie Barr said...

My husband is dyslexic so I know, first hand, what a horror homophones can be for many. I suspect it's one reason why English is so challenging for many.

Funny poem.