I tried to resist, but I have to comment on the Iowa Caucuses.
According to the news Santorum surged from the rear. In the last few days before the caucuses Santorum was all over the state. In the end, Romney squeezed out Santorum, winning the caucus.
Santorum came out number two.
There are those who say that making fun of Santorum in this way is juvenile and gross.
To those critics I loudly and boldly declare, that while spreading the definition of Santorum is indeed juvenile and gross. The one thing that is more juvenile and gross is the man himself.
This is a man who has a stated goal of tearing loving families apart. A man who blames the financial meltdown on people's sexual orientation. Then plays the victim when people call him a bigot. What kind of world is it where just because you group loving homosexual relationships and bestiality together you are called a bigot?
This is a man who wants to ban all abortions for women who aren't part of his family. He wants all abortions, even to save the life of the mother, banned. But his wife's own abortion, “That was different.”
This is a man who wants to outlaw birth control. Because having a woman in control of the birthing process is unnatural, that's the government's job.
This is a man that wants to end food stamps because the nations obesity rate is so high.
This is a man that thinks people facing multi-million dollar medical bills should just pay less for their cell phones.
This is a man that thinks health insurance companies should have the right to refuse people with per-existing conditions so that the insurance companies can continue to make huge profits.
Yes, the definition that I and other people have been spreading is juvenile and gross. But not as gross as the actual candidate.
If you read this and are wondering what I am talking about, “GOOGLE SANTORUM” and it will all make sense.
By Darrell B. Nelson author of I KILLED THE MAN THAT WASN'T THERE
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