It’s that time to set my goals for the coming year and I figured by sharing them on this site it would give me added incentive to reach them.
First category of goals is for this site:
I’d like to double its viewership, get it up to 200 hits a day and 70 regular viewers.
To reach that goal I’ll continue to work on what’s been working, 3+ posts a week. I tried doing a post everyday for a while and it made me have to scramble to get posts up and I felt the quality suffered. At 3+ posts a week I’ve got a little more time to polish the posts but still get enough content out to keep people coming back.
My next goal is related to that:
When I started this site I made a vow that it would be self-sufficient, meaning I wouldn’t put any money into it. I also vowed I wouldn't put up any ads that were outright scams, believe it or not there are some scams on the internet. So revenue from this site has been coming solely from Google Adsense, once I get enough Adsense pennies I plan on getting Project Savior its very own domain name and everything. Which is a goal for 2010.
I haven’t made anything from Rifftracks but I keep their ad up because I loved MST3K and their Rifftracks make me laugh. If I ever get a payment from Rifftracks I’ll probably spend it on Rifftracks.
Also in 2010 I’m going to start a new monthly series: “Better Know a Gang Rape Supporter” where each month I will profile one of the nine Senators that are up for re-election and voted against the bill to hold Government Contractors liable if they enable their employees to gang rape co-workers.
I figure I’ll give them a full profile and email them and call their offices to see if I can get a statement. This series will have nothing to do with trying to increase the popularity of this site, I just feel those Senators need to be held accountable for their vote.
My next set of goals has to do with writing:
In 2008 I wrote the Novel “Invasive Thoughts”. In 2009 I wrote “Project Spare-Rib” and “The Setting Earth”. So in 2010 the natural extension is to write 3 books. I’ve got one started and the second one will be a departure for me, it will be non-fiction. I plan on greatly expanding my posts on Peak Oil and Alternative Energy and make a book out of it.
This leads to my second writing goal, I want to get another book published in 2010. It took me a year and half to get a publisher for “Invasive Thoughts” hopefully I have learned something from it and can reduce the amount of time it takes for the next one.
My third writing goal is to have at least 6 more short stories published. My success rate in getting stories published is about 1 in 4. So I’ll need to write 24 short stories to hit this goal.
My personal goals for 2010 are fairly simple:
I want to volunteer at least one day a month to charity this summer. Habitat for Humanity is building a few houses in my area and I’d like to help out.
Lose the 10 lbs I’ve gained and this time keep it off.
Do a few projects around the house to make it more energy efficient.
My last goal is probably the hardest one for me. As I mentioned in my last post I love getting comments, but coming up with a concise, related comment to put on other peoples blogs is tough for me. But I am going to try and leave good comments on the sites I visit and like. Hopefully it will encourage those bloggers to continue writing.
Fantastic Four: First Steps is on the horizon
2 weeks ago