Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Liberal Conspiracy to unleash Komodo Dragons loose to become Gay Aborted Fetus Raping Immigrant Welfare Queens with Hip-Hop Ringtones.

During his press conference last night President Obama carefully avoided mentioning the accusations that his proposed budget would allow Darwinist Komodo Dragons free reign to rape Gay Aborted Fetuses as proposed by the Immigrant Welfare Queen with Hip-Hop Ringtones lobby (RIAA).

He did allude to the plan when he said. “…it will take an understanding that when we all work together, when each of us looks beyond our own short-term interests to the wider set of obligations we have to each other, that's when we succeed."

By mentioning the liberal codewords “Understanding”, “Work Together” and “Looking beyond our own short-term interests” he is clearly attacking Conservative Values of “Arrogant Self-Righteousness”, “Unilateral Action” and “Short-Term Selfishness”.

If he is going to attack those core values he must support the things Conservatives hate most. He is supporting the Darwinist Komodo Dragon agenda by saying he wants us to achieve Energy Independence. There is nothing that Darwinist Komodo Dragons want more than to Gay Rape Aborted Fetuses.

Naturally they are aided by the foreigners who take government welfare (RIAA) and sell hip-hop ringtones.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I support this message.
