Saturday, October 17, 2009

Catspiracy Caturday: Cat Minion Strippers

Every evil organization needs to raise money, and the Evil Catspiracy is no exception.

Being evil they can resort to seedier ways of making money. In my investigations I have found the evil cat minions have stumbled upon an age-old way of making money: Pole Dancing:

Evil Minion seducing customers.

While they pole-dance for small tips (sirloin tips preferably), they are really trying to milk people out of their hard earned milk by seducing them to rub their bellies.

That belly is almost irresistible.

Of course, they will then want even more for ear rubs and chin scratches, also known as half and half.

More cat seduction

The most shocking thing is how they tend to get into this business at very young ages.

Almost Kitty Porn.

So beware the evil minions may entice you with their Pole-Dancing, but they will soon have you handing over food to rub their bellies and scratch their ears.

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